Compatibility list: Difference between revisions

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m (Added mod compat info for nomadic tents)
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|7 June 2022

Revision as of 00:39, 5 July 2022

The following is the list of mods compatible and incompatible with Valkyrien Skies.

We encourage users/players to edit this list and add mods that are important or they want added. When editing the list, please include the title, author and version of the mod.

Please also add its current compatibility. Mods that work perfectly please mark as 'Compatible.' Mods that are slightly buggy but stable, please mark as 'Stable.' Mods that are very buggy but do not crash, please mark as 'Buggy.' Mods that load but are unstable and can crash, please mark as 'Unstable.' Mods that do not work at all, will not load and cause crashes, please mark as 'Incompatible.'

Please also rate the mod by importance. Mods that are very common in modpacks or used by a lot of people, mark as High. Mods that are used by some modpacks and by some people, mark as Medium. Mods that are barely used, are NEW, not heard of, please mark as low.

If a new version of Valkyrien Skies releases, please test mods again to update compatibility accordingly.

Valkyrien Skies is compatible with all mods that just add textures. The mod is not always compatible with mods that add special blocks: You can't always place such blocks on the airship, but they can still be placed without errors on the ground. In many cases, tile entities may work better if you assemble the ship before placing them on.

Optifine sp614x Compatible High 31 August 2019
World Edit sk89q Compatible High 31 August 2019
Custom Main Menu Lumien231 Compatible Low 31 August 2019
Waystones BlayTheNinth Stable Medium 11 May 2021
Portal Guns ohaiiChun Buggy Low 20 May 2021
MalisisDoors Ordinastie Stable High 27 May 2021
BetterPortals Johni0702 Buggy Low 20 May 2021
DimensionalDoors DimensionalDevelopment Compatible Hight 28 May 2021
Iron Chests ProgWML6 Compatible Medium 20 May 2021
OpenBlocks Elevator vsngarcia Buggy Low 20 May 2021
Thut's Elevators Thutmose_III Buggy Low 20 May 2021
Galacticraft micdoodle8 Stable High 21 May 2021
Chisels & Bits AlgorithmX2 Compatible Medium 11 May 2021
LittleTiles CreativeMD Buggy High 27 May 2021
Chisel tterrag1098 Compatible Medium 21 May 2021
Resource Loader Lumien231 Compatible Low 31 August 2019
Corail Tombstone Corail_31 Mostly Compatible Medium 21 May 2021
Astral Sorcery HellFirePvP Stable Medium 21 May 2021
Electroblob's Wizardry Electroblob Stable Medium 21 May 2021
Replay Mod CrushedPixel Compatible High 23 May 2021
Dynamic Surroundings OreCruncher Compatible Low 31 August 2019
Security Craft Geforce132 Stable Medium 23 May 2021
Biome Bundle mc_pitman Compatible Medium 31 August 2019
WarpDrive LemADEC Unstable Low 23 May 2021
Wireless Redstone CBE covers1624 Buggy Medium 27 May 2021
Grapple Hook yyon Mostly Compatible Low 31 August 2019
Advanced Hook Launchers EnderLanky Mostly Compatible Low 28 May 2021
SpongeForge Many Compatible High 1 September 2019
Shoulder Surfing Exopandora Incompatible Low 1 September 2019 #294
TechGuns pWn3d1337 Buggy Low 1 September 2019 #280
Transport Simulator DonBruce64 Mostly Compatible Medium 21 September 2020 #183
Fairy Lights pau101 Compatible Low 5 November 2019
CC: Tweaked squiddev Incompatible Medium 6 January 2021 #460
Nomadic Tents skyjay1 Buggy Low 7 June 2022