Eureka Config
The Eureka config is not immediately intuitive, so here is a list of the values and what they do. The Config file can be found in /.minecraft/config/valkyrienskies/vs_eureka_server.json, and can be edited with notepad or any similar program. Make sure to save the file after editing it, and completely restart minecraft for the changes to take effect.
Config | Default Value | Description |
enginePowerLinear | 500000.0 | Movement power per engine when heated fully |
enginePowerLinearMin | 10000.0 | Movement power per engine with minimal heat |
enginePowerAngular | 1.0 | Turning power per engine when heated fully |
enginePowerAngularMin | 0.0 | Turning power per engine when minimal heated |
engineHeatLoss | 0.01 | The amount of heat a engine loses per tick |
engineHeatGain | 0.03 | The amount of heat a gain per tick (when burning) |
engineHeatChangeExponent | 0.1 | Increases heat gained at low heat level, and increased heat decreases when at high heat and not consuming fuel |
engineRedstoneBehaviorPause | false | Pause fuel consumption and power when block is powered |
engineFuelSaving | false | Avoids consuming fuel when heat is 100% |
engineMinCapacity | 2000 | Increasing this value will result in more items being able to converted to fuel |
engineFuelMultiplier | 2.0 | Fuel burn time multiplier |
engineBoost | 0.2 | Extra engine power for when having multiple engines per engine |
engineBoostOffset | 2.5 | At what amount of engines the boost will start taking effect |
engineBoostExponentialPower | 1.0E-6 | The final linear boost will be raised to the power of 2, and the result of the delta is multiplied by this value |
maxCasualSpeed | 15.0 | Max speed of a ship without boosting |
stabilizationSpeed | 10.0 | The speed at which the ship stabilizes |
floaterBuoyantFactorPerKg | 50000.0 | The amount extra that each floater will make the ship float, per kg mass |
maxFloaterBuoyantFactor | 1.0 | The maximum amount extra each floater will multiply the buoyant force by, irrespective of mass |
speedMassScale | 5.0 | How much the mass decreases the speed |
baseSpeed | 3.0 | The speed a ship with no engines can move at |
baseImpulseElevationRate | 2.0 | Vertical sensitivity when ascending |
baseImpulseDescendRate | 4.0 | Vertical sensitivity when descending |
balloonElevationMaxSpeed | 5.5 | The max elevation speed boost gained by having extra extra balloons |
elevationSnappiness | 1.0 | Ascend and descend acceleration |
doFluidDrag | false | Allow Eureka controlled ships to be affected by fluid drag |
massPerBalloon | 5000.0 | Amount of mass in kg a balloon can lift |
turnSpeed | 3.0 | The maximum linear velocity at any point on the ship caused by helm torque |
turnAcceleration | 10.0 | The maximum linear acceleration at any point on the ship caused by helm torque |
maxSizeForTurnSpeedPenalty | 16.0 | The maximum distance from center of mass to one end of the ship considered by the turn speeda |
stabilizationTorqueConstant | 15.0 | How much torque a ship will apply to try and keep level |
linearStabilizeMaxAntiVelocity | 1.0 | How fast a ship will stop. 1 = fast stop, 0 = slow stop |
linearMassScaling | 2.0E-4 | How fast a ship will stop and accelerate |
linearBaseMass | 50.0 | Base mass for linear acceleration in Kg |
linearMaxMass | 10000.0 | Max smoothing value, will smooth out before reaching max value |
linearMaxSpeed | 15.0 | Max unscaled speed in m/s |
antiVelocityMassRelevance | 0.8 | How much inertia affects Eureka ships. Max 10 = full inertia |
popSideBalloonChance | 0.3 | Chance for popped balloons to pop adjacent balloons, per side |
blockBlacklist | See Belowb | Blacklist of blocks that don't get assembled |
diagonals | true | Whether the ship helm assembles diagonally connected blocks or not |
ballastWeight | 10000.0 | Weight of ballast with the lowest redstone power level |
ballastNoWeight | 1000.0 | Weight of ballast with the highest redstone power level |
allowDisassembly | true | Whether or not disassembly is permitted |
maxShipBlocks | 32768 | "Maximum number of blocks that can be assembled with a helm. Set to 0 for no limit |
(a) At it's default of 16, it ensures that really large ships will turn at the same speed as a ship with a center of mass only 16 blocks away from the farthest point in the ship. That way, large ships do not turn painfully slowly.
(b) vs_eureka:ship_helm minecraft:dirt minecraft:grass_block minecraft:grass_path minecraft:stone minecraft:bedrock minecraft:sand minecraft:gravel minecraft:water minecraft:flowing_water minecraft:lava minecraft:flowing_lava minecraft:lily_pad minecraft:coarse_dirt minecraft:podzol minecraft:granite minecraft:diorite minecraft:andesite minecraft:deepslate minecraft:tuff minecraft:crimson_nylium minecraft:warped_nylium minecraft:red_sand minecraft:sandstone minecraft:end_stone minecraft:red_sandstone minecraft:blackstone minecraft:netherrack minecraft:soul_sand minecraft:soul_soil minecraft:grass minecraft:fern minecraft:dead_bush minecraft:seagrass minecraft:tall_seagrass minecraft:sea_pickle minecraft:kelp minecraft:bamboo minecraft:dandelion minecraft:poppy minecraft:blue_orchid minecraft:allium minecraft:azure_bluet minecraft:red_tulip minecraft:orange_tulip minecraft:white_tulip minecraft:pink_tulip minecraft:oxeye_daisy minecraft:cornflower minecraft:lily_of_the_valley minecraft:brown_mushroom minecraft:red_mushroom minecraft:crimson_fungus minecraft:warped_fungus minecraft:crimson_roots minecraft:warped_roots minecraft:nether_sprouts minecraft:weeping_vines minecraft:twisting_vines minecraft:chorus_plant minecraft:chorus_flower minecraft:snow minecraft:snow_block minecraft:cactus minecraft:vine minecraft:sunflower minecraft:lilac minecraft:rose_bush minecraft:peony minecraft:tall_grass minecraft:large_fern minecraft:air minecraft:ice minecraft:packed_ice minecraft:blue_ice minecraft:portal minecraft:end_portal_frame minecraft:end_portal minecraft:end_gateway minecraft:oak_sapling minecraft:spruce_sapling minecraft:birch_sapling minecraft:jungle_sapling minecraft:acacia_sapling minecraft:dark_oak_sapling minecraft:oak_leaves minecraft:spruce_leaves minecraft:birch_leaves minecraft:jungle_leaves minecraft:acacia_leaves minecraft:dark_oak_leaves