
From Valkyrien Skies Wiki

Modifying configs can be done through a mod like Mod Menu on fabric or through forge's own mod manager, but having this will be useful for both the server and client. If you're on client most of this should apply.

Accessing Configurations

To access your config folder, you'll first need to access your Minecraft folder. A guide is found here on the Minecraft wiki:

Locating .minecraft

If you're using another launcher you'll have to figure it out on you're own. We can't guide you on everything.

From your Minecraft folder you'll want to navigate to the configs like so:

  • minecraft
    • config
      • valkyrienskies
        • (config namespace.json)

Explaination of Configurations

All listed configs will be in their default state. It is best to restart the game after making changes.


"massTooltipVisibility" : "ADVANCED",

Accepts "ALWAYS", "ADVANCED", or "DISABLED". Setting this to advanced will make the block weights visible when you turn on advanced tooltips (F3+H).

"useImperialUnits" : false

Accepts "true" or "false" as a value. Enabling it will display weights in Imperial Units (lbs. and oz.)

    "fixBlockTinting" : false

Accepts "true" or "false" as a value. Enabling applies the block tint for the dimension the ship is in when it is rendered. Yet the option doesn't appear to do anything.

  "renderDebugText" : false,

Accepts "true" or "false" as a value. Enabling it will display the VS2 debug HUD in the top left of your screen. The second line is the physics thread TPS, this should always be 60, the third line is the number of chunks loaded in physics, and the fourth line is whether you're using UDP for data transfer. (explained further down)

  "recommendSlugsInMcCommands" : true,

Accepts "true" or "false" as a value. Setting this to true may disable autocompleting ship slugs in the /tp command. It doesn't appear to do anything.


    "renderPathfinding" : true

Accepts "true" or "false" as a value. To see this option in action you'll have to set it to true on both the server and client. Then paste this into the java arguments "-Dorg.valkyrienskies.render_pathfinding=true". Now mob pathfinding will render.


    "synchronizePhysics" : false,

Accepts "true" or "false" as a value. Setting it to true will synchronize the physics thread and the game thread.

    "physicsTicksPerGameTick" : 3,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. Sets the number of physics ticks per game tick. There are 20 game ticks per second.

    "terrainBakingThreads" : 12,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. Sets the number of terrain baking threads, more is good for preventing stutters when flying fast ships. However, too many will overload the cpu which will lag the game.

    "terrainBakingThreadPriority" : 5,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. The thread priority of terrain baking threads. Higher is higher priority, lower is lower priority.

    "terrainDeletionThreads" : 1,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. Number of terrain deletion threads. Typically just 1 is fine.

    "terrainDeletionThreadPriority" : 4

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. The thread priority of the terrain deletion threads. These are used to clean up memory, so they can be lower priority than other threads. Higher is higher priority, lower is lower priority.

  "udpPort" : 25565,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. This option sets the port to establish UDP connections on.

  "enableUdp" : false,

Accepts "true" or "false" as a value. Enabling it will make the server use UDP for data transfer, which is faster but less reliable, otherwise the server will use TCP for data transfer.

  "shipLoadDistance" : 128.0,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. It sets the ship load distance in blocks.

  "shipUnloadDistance" : 196.0,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. It sets the ship unload distance in blocks.

    "lodDetail" : 512,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. The detail of the collision box of ships, higher values are more detailed but heavier to compute.

    "subSteps" : 20,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. Sets the number of sub-steps used by Krunch.

    "iterations" : 5,

Can be between 0 and 2147483647. Sets the number of iterations per sub-steps used by Krunch.

    "solver" : "GAUSS_SEIDEL",

Can be set to "GAUSS_SEIDEL" or "JACOBI". It sets the constraint solver used by Krunch. Gauss seidel is both faster and more accurate than the Jacobi method.

    "maxDePenetrationSpeed" : 10.0,

This is represented by a double so it is virtually infinite. This option limits the max collision de-penetration speed so that rigid bodies don't go flying apart when they overlap.

    "physicsSpeed" : 1.0

This is represented by a double so it is virtually infinite. How fast the physics is running. 1.0 is full speed, 0.5 is 50% speed, etc.


    "shipsProtectedByClaims" : true,

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. Determines if FTB claims can protect ships.

    "shipsProtectionOutOfBuildHeight" : false

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. Disabling this option will prevent ship protection if the ship is out of the buildable area (above world height/below bedrock)

    "canTurtlesLeaveScaledShips" : false

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. Determines whether turtles leave ships. Scaled up/down ships may cause issues with turtles leaving.

  "enableInteractDistanceChecks" : true,

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. By default, the vanilla server prevents block interacts past a certain distance to prevent cheat clients from breaking blocks halfway across the map. This approach breaks down in the face of extremely large ships, where the distance from the block origin to the nearest face is greater than the interact distance check allows. Setting to "false" will disable this check.

  "transformTeleports" : true,

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. If set to "true", teleportation into the shipyard will be redirected to the ship occupying that section of the shipyard instead.

  "enableMovementChecks" : false,

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. By default, the server checks that player movement is legal. If it isn't you'll experience rubberbanding. Since players on VS ships will move illegally, they will be affected by this check frequently. Setting this option to "false" disables that check.

  "preventFluidEscapingShip" : true,

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. If set to true, this will prevent water and other fluids from flowing out of the ship's bounding box by stopping said fluids at the bounding box.

  "explosionBlastForce" : 500000.0,

This is represented by a double so it is virtually infinite. This option sets the blast force at the center of a TNT when it explodes. It is measured in newtons.

  "allowMobSpawns" : true,

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. Allows natural mob spawning on ships when enabled.

  "aiOnShips" : true,

Can be "true" or "false" as a value. Allows rudimentary pathfinding on ships when enabled. This option doesn't work too well, but you can semi get around that by having your ship close to the ground so the mob's ai tracks that.

  "miniShipSize" : 0.5,

This is represented by a double so it is virtually infinite. Sets the scale of the mini ship creator.

  "minScaling" : 0.25,

This is represented by a double so it is virtually infinite. Sets the minimum scale of ships.